The Colin A. Ross Institute was formed in 1995 to further the understanding of psychological trauma and its consequences by providing educational services, research, and clinical treatment of trauma based disorders.

Recent Releases

  • Structural Dissociation
  • Trauma Model Therapy
  • The Trauma Model
  • Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder (ITA)
  • Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • Be A Teammate With Yourself
For these and other titles, including CD's, DVD's, and more, please visit the official Manitou Communications book store.

What's New

Welcome to The Ross Institute

Introducing Dr. Ross and The Ross Institute.

Dr. Ross Interviewed on Newsmax

Dr. Ross appeared on Newsmax on June 12, 2023 during their broadcast about the Unabomber, Ted Kaczinski. Watch his interview with Greg Kelly starting at 33:00.

Watch Interview Here

Recent Publications

Dr. Ross's book, Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder, has been translated into Italian.

For the Italian translation, go to ApertaMenteWeb.

Dr. Ross has just published a paper about a new perspective on PTSD.

PTSD As A Future-Oriented Survival Strategy

The Trauma Recovery Institute

Dr. Ross is pleased to announce his new Partial Hospitalization Program with locations in the Austin and Dallas, Texas areas. See our website for more information.

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